I really don't care. I think it's his business to deal with and his wife's business to figuratively and literally cut his balls off. I don't care. But...neighbor's daughter? What does he have left on the taboo list? He's hit everything. I'm limiting everything to legal human females, but he's just about hit it all. He's got porn stars, cocktail waitresses, cougars, a girl that lives in a trailer...what am I leaving out? The only thing left that would be a shocker would be sister-in-law. Another golfer's wife I would just shrug, but sister-in-law would complete the list.
His marriage has to be over. If he comes back from that it's way bigger than anything he's done in his sport. He couldn't live in the marriage after all that. Everytime he leaves the house he's gonna get, "...and whatever you do don't accidentally fall on top of any porn stars, cocktail waitresses, cougars, girls who live in trailers, neighbors' daughters, or my sister." Everytime. Forever.
I might slightly care about one thing. It appears he's trying to inch his way back into the public eye and thus to a point where he can endorse again by not really addressing anything directly. I'm sure he's being advised by people much smarter at public relations than I am. I'd just like to see him come clean. Maybe he's able to repair his image to a certain point. I don't know. I think he's done as a "good example". I'd be more interested in his impact as a "horrible warning". I'd like to see him run through the hard dollar cost of all this. I wish somebody would ask, "When you divide the porn stars by the endorsement dollars lost and then add the waitresses, hostesses, and trailer parks by what you're going to have to fork out to the wife, add it all together, how much per bang was it Tiger?" I think he's got the most reckless johnson in history. Talk about your 19 Majors. He should get a green condom for it. If someone has done worse, I'd like to know.