Inertia pays...poorly
In contemplating how to get that first post in after an 11 month hiatus, I've been reading some of my old posts. I came across an interesting fact. In a post from 2007, I made light of the fact that my Google Ad Sense account had a whopping balance of 17 cents. That's right, $.17. Yes, the decimal is in the right place. (I've just noticed that the cents icon of yesteryear has not made to the modern day keyboard. You never really miss the cents icon until all you have is cents.) Today, however, that same account has grown to a whopping 35 cents.
In most businesses a 100% year over year gain is cause for celebration. Not here. Especially when answering the question, "To what do you attribute the dramatic gain?" Answer- "I shut it down." So the most productive time from a fiscal standpoint is when the blog is least productive from a material standpoint. That's encouraging. I suppose the lesson is people like to come over and kick something dead, even if the dead thing is a blog.