Just a quick
RECAP on the last couple posts...
I saw a letter to the editor in SI regarding "What if Wellington Mara was in baseball?".
Said it first!!
Not too hard to come up with though. I bet they ran the one letter out of a thousand that said that.
The Lions fired Steve Mariucci today. It appears to be one of those,
because we can't fire all the players move. Maybe it was all his fault. I'm sure he bears some responsibility. I think he was dealt an awful hand.
Harrington's terrible. Rogers appears to be addled by his drug use. Mike Williams is said to be unprofessional about his practice habits. Thanksgiving day, Roy Williams scores at the end of an embarassing blow out, and still manages to execute an obviously orchestrated touchdown dance. I don't know what's happened to Kevin Jones.
What's Mooch supposed to do with all that? The old refrigerator magnet says, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." What about when life gives you turds? What do you whip up then?
In any case, the Lions appear to be the perfect franchise for the
Run the Franchise reality show. One playoff win since 1957. That's almost fifty years. Maybe Matt Millen already won the show when no one was looking. He drafted most of these guys, hired Mart Manwearingthin before Mooch, and now this. Manwearingwomensclothes might have been one of the worst hires ever. He was certainly top ten in looking most shellshocked on television.
For all this Millen got an extension last year. Maybe the Fords are firing him while I'm typing.
New/Knew StuffSpeaking of reality shows, loved the ESPN
Beyond the Glory with Dick Butkus and Ray Crockett. Crockett was tremendous. He can coach my kids any day. Great quote at half time of a tough game, "It's not about football anymore. It's about being a man."
Butkus was good in spots, but came across a little dated. He's clearly credible, but at times he struggled to communicate effectively and sometimes seemed disinterested.
For me, Crockett stole the show. I can't imagine that he doesn't get a real coaching gig or broadcasting job out of this if he wants it.
When is the Bobby Knight/Texas Tech walk on thing? I'm dying for that one.
Have you seen the Clippers' Chris Kaman yet?
Has anyone made the
Frozen Kaman Lawyer joke yet?
If not, dibs.