So I do a search, and I see where I'm not the only Grey Ghost out there. There's four of us here, and that's on Blogger alone. Two of those are high school girls, one of whom's blog is far technically superior to anything I aspire to do. Great. A high school girl with pictures. I'll have to change the name on this in no time.
The newest Grey Ghost appears to be older, or it's a really boring teenager. Good luck new guy. I'd link to everybody if I felt inclined to figure that out. I don't.
New Shows -This is EarlKinda funny. I'll give it another chance. Didn't strike me as over the top hilarious. That said, its got half chance at being a hit with all the low brow humor opportunities. I'm a sucker for the lowest common denominator. Pile it on.
The OfficeI think it started this summer. I never saw the BBC show it's based on. It's brilliant, but almost painful to watch. At some point you'll have to suspend belief with the Steve Carell character. No one could be that big an ass for that long without getting a) fired or b) punched. Sounds like some upcoming episodes! I'll watch until I'm burned out with it.
LostPremieres tonight. Watched some of the replays this summer. So the mystery is tropical polar bears, a sealed hatch, french radio, a powerful numeric sequence, or child snatching pirates? I'm lost. I got sucked in to Carnivale on HBO like this. Wait, just one more episode, all will be revealed. Come to think of it Carnivale had a bear also. Its a good year for supernatural bears. I think I'm breaking free of this one.